
Sunday, August 30, 2020

 30 August 2020


16:08 AB4AM-ROB: Magnetometer @ 16:00 98.2 nT, Solar Wind 494, Density 7.33, PHI 79

16:50 WW8II-BRUCE: Magnetometer @ 1640 was 98.6nt

16:30 AB4AM-ROB: Magnetometer @ 16:27 97.3 Solar Wind 491, Density 7.37, PHI 62

16:51 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar wind speed @ 1541 was 489km/s the PHI 74 and the Density was 7.19

16:28 WW8II-BRUCE: Lightning today heavy in Huntsville Alabama , Heavy in the Gulf from Lafayette LA to New Orleans south of Mobile Alabama, and Tallahassee Fl also heavy in the Tampa and Orlando area and lots of scattered in the Atlantic


16:29 W4DEX-DEX: AB4AM Q5 copy but very weak

16:35 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL just at the noise to S2 on SSB short test ... ARGH


WW8II-BRUCE: 2 MIN CW WW8II 1640, KGOVL 1642, K0AWU 1644, AB4AM 1646, W4DEX 1648

16:42 W4DEX-DEX: WW8II keying heard but no copy, peaked 16 dB S/N on SpecLab

16:45 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II: Heard very weak, could tell he was there but no copy.

16:44 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL start 13db, 15sec 20db, 30sec 22db, 45sec 23db, 1min 22db, 1min 15sec 23db, 1min 30sec 23db, 1min 45sec 22db, END 23db

16:44 W4DEX-DEX: KG0VL signal detected very weak on SpecLab.

16:48 KG0VL-JEFF: KØAWU: Fairly good signal on CW, 549-559 for duration with little to no qsb

16:47 W4DEX-DEX: AB4AM initially 589 then deep fade, back up to 589 then another fade

16:48 KW4DE-DARRELL: AB4AM 529 CW, W4DEX 599 CW and SSB

16:53 AB4AM-ROB: W4DEX 559 10db at start, 48 15 10 db, 4830 5 db, 4845 10 db, 4900 10 db, 4915 10 db, 4915 10 db, 4930 00 db, 4945 5 db, 5000 00 db

Received at W4DEX:



16:27: *** STARTED MONITORING *** Mid Day Propagation Net on 1899

16:06: *** NET OPENED *** Mid Day Propagation Net on 1899

16:07 AB4AM-ROB: Noise Floor -120- -142 db Inverted V and Flag

16:08 AB4AM-ROB: Magnetometer @ 16:00 98.2 nT, Solar Wind 494, Density 7.33, PHI 79

16:20 WW8II-BRUCE: heat wave 66 degrees 75% humidity

16:21 WW8II-BRUCE: noise today I have a lkot of man made noise the NB will remove it. 

16:23 AB4AM-ROB: KW4DE 22 SSB deep in the noise

16:25 WW8II-BRUCE: Noise measured with the SAL antenna N.E.-127db, S.E. -127db, S.W. -121db, N.W. -132db , the inverted V -123db, and the vertical -118db

16:25 WW8II-BRUCE: Al;most like my neighbors are running GROW LIGHTS

16:28: *** K0AWU is now online ***

16:28 WW8II-BRUCE: Lightning today heavy in Huntsville Alabama , Heavy in the Gulf from Lafayette LA to New Orleans south of Mobile Alabama, and Tallahassee Fl also heavy in the Tampa and Orlando area and lots of scattered in the Atlantic

16:29 K0AWU-BILL: 70deg sunny low humidity -- some TStorm QRN, not horrid yet -- Noise floor S3 SSB and S1 CW Inverted Vee

16:29 AB4AM-ROB: Called W4DEX no response heard

16:29 W4DEX-DEX: AB4AM Q5 copy but about a weak as I have seen you Rob

16:30 AB4AM-ROB: Magnetometer @ 16:27 97.3 Solar Wind 491, Density 7.37, PHI 62

16:34 WW8II-BRUCE: 2 MIN CW WW8II 1640, KGOVL 1642, K0AWU 1644, AB4AM 1646, W4DEX 1648

16:35 WW8II-BRUCE: Only hearing static in all directions so far

16:35 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL just at the noise to S2 on SSB short test ... ARGH

16:36 AB4AM-ROB: No signals here

16:39 WW8II-BRUCE: OK I am ready to do the 2 min CW start at 1640ut 1500 watts into the inverted apex @ 70 feet

16:39 WW8II-BRUCE: 2 MIN CW WW8II 1640, KGOVL 1642, K0AWU 1644, AB4AM 1646, W4DEX 1648

16:41 K0AWU-BILL: WW8II nothing heard or detected

16:42 AB4AM-ROB: ww8ii No copy

16:42 W4DEX-DEX: WW8II keying heard but no copy, peaked 16 dB S/N on SpecLab

16:44 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL start 13db, 15sec 20db, 30sec 22db, 45sec 23db, 1min 22db, 1min 15sec 23db, 1min 30sec 23db, 1min 45sec 22db, END 23db

16:44 AB4AM-ROB: KG0VL No copy

16:44 W4DEX-DEX: KG0VL signal detected very weak on SpecLab.

16:45 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II: Heard very weak, could tell he was there but no copy.


16:46 W4DEX-DEX: K0AWU no signal detected


16:46 AB4AM-ROB: K0AWU no copy


16:47 W4DEX-DEX: AB4AM initially 589 then deep fade, back up to 589 then another fade

16:48 KG0VL-JEFF: KØAWU: Fairly good signal on cw, 549-559 for duration with little to no qsb

16:48 KW4DE-DARRELL: WW8II, KG0VL, K0AWU all no cw copy, AB4AM 529 cw, W4DEX 599 cw and ssb


16:50 KG0VL-JEFF: No copy from Don or Dex

16:50: *** WA4LDU is now online ***

16:50 K0AWU-BILL: AB4AM, W4DEX nothing heard or detected

16:50 WW8II-BRUCE: Magnetometer @ 1640 was 98.6nt

16:51 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar wind speed @ 1541 was 489km/s the PHI 74 and the Density was 7.19

16:52: *** K0AWU is now offline ***

16:52: *** WA1AC is now online ***

16:52 WW8II-BRUCE: OK real good data today we have very bad propagation with the Magnetometer reading low and the Solar wind reading high and the PHI low 

16:53 AB4AM-ROB: W4DEX 559 10db at start, 48 15 10 db, 4830 5 db, 4845 10 db, 4900 10 db, 4915 10 db, 4915 10 db, 4930 00 db, 4945 5 db, 5000 00 db

16:53 KG0VL-JEFF: 73 all

16:53 WW8II-BRUCE: I will copy and save the logs

16:54: *** KG0VL is now offline ***

16:54 WW8II-BRUCE: 73 Jeff CU tomorrow

16:54 AB4AM-ROB: 73 all !!

16:55: *** AK4SZ is now online ***

16:55: *** AK4SZ is now offline ***

16:55: *** NET CLOSED *** Mid Day Propagation Net on 1899

16:55: *** STOPPED MONITORING *** Mid Day Propagation Net on 1899

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