
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

25 January 2022

16:50 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar flux 95, A-index 4, K-index 3

16:56 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar activity last 24 hrs MAX C3.79 @1029ut and Current B2.6

16:59 WW8II-BRUCE: Magnetometer @1650ut @ 75.2W 116nt, @137.2W 102nt

17:00 WW8II-BRUCE: Solart wind @1650ut 424km/s, PHI 303, Density 9.83p/cm3

17:03 WW8II-BRUCE: Lightning noted today HEAVY in ther central Gulf

17:28 WW8II-BRUCE: Magnetometer @1720ut @75.2W 116nt, @137,2W 110nt

17:28 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar wind @1718ut 433km/s, PHI 42 , Density 9.52p/cm3

CW Reports:
KG0VL-JEFF: 2 minute cw schedule: WW8II 1710, KGØVL 1712, KØAWU 1714, K5HFG 1716, WY3T 1718, K4FI 1720, W4DEX 1722

17:11 K0AWU-BILL: WW8II START 8db, 4-8db, det, 0-3db, at 1 min 3-8db, 5-10db, 5-10db, 3-10db, at END 8-12db

17:12 WY3T-TIM: WW8II cw no copy/detect

17:12 KP2AE-JOE: ww8ii cpy at times maybe 519 at best

17:12 K4FI-DOUG: WW8II good trace. 229 Steady, no QSB.

17:12 W4DEX-DEX: WW8II CW 579 start, slow 20 dB fade to 549. several more QSB cycles

17:13 WA4LDU-JOE: WW8II cw no copy - solid trace in spec lab

17:14 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL start 5, 10, 5, 11, 1min 15, 12, 15, 20, EOT 25

17:14 WY3T-TIM: KG0VL cw no copy/detect

17:14 WA4LDU-JOE: KG0VL cw no detect

17:14 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL START 11db, 18db, 15db, 6-11db, at 1 min 15db, 0-6db, 0-5db, 3-13db, at END 13-20db

17:14 K4FI-DOUG: KG0VL No copy

17:14 K0AWU-BILL: QSB faster on WW8II than KG0VL

17:15 W4DEX-DEX: KG0VL CW heard but no copy, good visual detection until last 30 sec to noise floor

17:15 K4FI-DOUG: K0AWU No copy

17:16 WY3T-TIM: K0AWU cw no copy/detect

17:16 WW8II-BRUCE: K)AWU start 3db, 0, 0, det,. 1min 0, 0, 2db, dert EOT 0

17:16 WA4LDU-JOE: K0AWU cw no detect

17:16 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II: 569 at start, and then the race (to the bottom) was on. 549 at 20 seconds, 529 at one minute, complete loss of signal at one minute forty seconds. Back up slightly at EOT.

17:16 W4DEX-DEX: K0AWU CW no signal detected

17:17 KG0VL-JEFF: KØAWU 529-539 with a few dips to noise level and back.

17:17 K4FI-DOUG: K5HFG N0 copy

17:17 WY3T-TIM: K5HFG cw no copy/detect

17:18 K0AWU-BILL: K5HFG -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:18 WW8II-BRUCE: K5HGFG start 0, 0, 0, det, 1min 2db, 0, 0, 2db, EOT 0

17:18 WA4LDU-JOE: K5HFG cw no detect

17:18 KG0VL-JEFF: K5HFG 529 until final 15 seconds of test, then gone.

17:18 W4DEX-DEX: K5HFG CW not heard, good visual most of the period

17:19 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T CW steady 559

17:19 K4FI-DOUG: WY3T Very weak trace up and down. Very light audio deep in noise. Copy occasional letters.

17:20 WW8II-BRUCE: WY3T NO signal detected

17:20 WA4LDU-JOE: WY3T cw 219 in and out of noise - good trace in spec lab

17:20 KG0VL-JEFF: No copy from WY3T

17:20 K0AWU-BILL: WY3T -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:21 KP2AE-JOE: wy3t just detec no real cpy

17:21 W4DEX-DEX: K4FI CW 589, very little QSB

17:22 WY3T-TIM: K4FI cw 439, 7, 6, 0, 10, 12, 19, 10, 10 db > nf at eot

17:22 KP2AE-JOE: k4fi 589 steady

17:22 WW8II-BRUCE: K4FI start det, ??, 2-3db, 0, 1min 0, det, 0, 0, EOT 0

17:22 KG0VL-JEFF: No copy from K4FI

17:22 K0AWU-BILL: K4FI -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:22 WA4LDU-JOE: K4FI cw 599

17:23 K4FI-DOUG: W4DEX 569 to 579. Stronger last minute. One deep fade first minute.

17:24 KP2AE-JOE: w4dex 599+10 steady

17:24 WA4LDU-JOE: W4DEX cw 589 steady

17:24 K5HFG-DON: KG0VL weak trace on SL first 30 seconds and then gone. // NO other signals detected today.

17:24 WW8II-BRUCE: W4DEX start 14db, 12db, 12db, 10db, 1min 12db, 8db, 5.7db, 12-15db, EOT 17db

17:24 K0AWU-BILL: W4DEX -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:24 WY3T-TIM: W4DEX cw 559, 17, 20, 20, 22, 20, 20, 17, 20 db > nf at eot

17:24 WW8II-BRUCE: Note quick QSB on all signals today

17:24 KG0VL-JEFF: W4DEX 529 first minute, down to 519 second minute. Now hearing him very weak on ssb.

Received at W4DEX:

SSB Reports:
17:01 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II 51 SSB

17:02 WW8II-BRUCE: Quick SSB Q with KG0VL real weak 41 copy just at the noise

17:02 WY3T-TIM: Hearing only faint SSB signals so far

17:03 K0AWU-BILL: MAYBE heard Jeff deep in the noise

17:05 WW8II-BRUCE: I have been listening to the SE for the last 3 minutes and have heard NO SSB

17:06 WY3T-TIM: W4DEX SSB just came up to 54

17:06 W4DEX-DEX: Called you several times Tim....Shout when you hear a peak

17:07 KG0VL-JEFF: Called KØAWU twice on ssb, no reply.

17:07 K5HFG-DON: NO SSB detected here

17:07 WY3T-TIM: K4FI SSB deep in the noise

17:08 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T SSB 54 QSO

17:09 WW8II-BRUCE: I did not hear any SSB to ther SE

17:27 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T SSB 53 QSO

17:28 WY3T-TIM: Copied W4DEX SSB QSO at 44

16:50: *** STARTED LOGGING *** 1899 kHz Mid-day Prop Test

16:50: *** NET OPENED *** 1899 kHz Mid-day Prop Test

16:50: *** WW8II is now online ***

16:50: *** K0AWU is now online ***

16:51: *** K5HFG is now online ***

16:51: *** WA4LDU is now online ***

16:50 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar flux 95, A-index 4, K-index 3

16:52 WW8II-BRUCE: I called on SSB no response heard

16:52 K0AWU-BILL: -10 deg F and clear -- Noise floor a about 3db lower than yesterday S6 SSB and S5+ CW -- Inverted Vee

16:52 WW8II-BRUCE: I will check my SWR and TUNE NOW

16:52 K0AWU-BILL: Bruce -- Nothing heard here

16:53: *** KP2AE is now online ***

16:53 WW8II-BRUCE: SWR check 1:1 all OK

16:54 WW8II-BRUCE: Noise floor SSB S7 CW S3

16:55 WW8II-BRUCE: Local WX 19 deg. 57% humidity BRIGHT SUN SHINE about 6 inches of snow on the ground

16:56 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar activity last 24 hrs MAX C3.79 @1029ut and Current B2.6

16:58: *** KG0VL is now online ***

16:59: *** WY3T is now online ***

16:59 WW8II-BRUCE: Magnetometer @1650ut @ 75.2W 116nt, @137.2W 102nt

17:00: *** K4FI is now online ***

17:00 WW8II-BRUCE: Solart wind @1650ut 424km/s, PHI 303, Density 9.83p/cm3

17:01 WY3T-TIM: 56 F Overcast/rain . . . S5 SSB / S3 CW . . . -115 dbm noise floor . . . no static lightning crashes

17:01 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II 51 SSB

17:02 WW8II-BRUCE: Quick SSB Q with KG0VL real weak 41 copy just at the noise

17:02: *** W0WMM is now online ***

17:02: *** W0WMM is now offline ***

17:02 WY3T-TIM: Hearing only faint SSB signals so far

17:03 K0AWU-BILL: MAYBE heard Jeff deep in the noise

17:03 WW8II-BRUCE: Lightning noted today HEAVY in ther central Gulf

17:05 WW8II-BRUCE: I have been listening to the SE for the last 3 minutes and have heard NO SSB

17:05 KG0VL-JEFF: 2 minute cw schedule: WW8II 1710, KGØVL 1712, KØAWU 1714, K5HFG 1716, WY3T 1718, K4FI 1720, W4DEX 1722

17:06 WY3T-TIM: W4DEX SSB just came up to 54

17:06 W4DEX-DEX: Called you several times Tim....Shout when you hear a peak

17:07 KG0VL-JEFF: Called KØAWU twice on ssb, no reply.

17:07 K5HFG-DON: NO SSB detected here

17:07 WY3T-TIM: K4FI SSB deep in the noise

17:08 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T SSB 54 QSO

17:08 WW8II-BRUCE: OK I am ready to start the 2 minute CW @1710ut this frequency

17:09 WW8II-BRUCE: I did not hear any SSB to ther SE

17:11 K0AWU-BILL: WW8II START 8db, 4-8db, det, 0-3db, at 1 min 3-8db, 5-10db, 5-10db, 3-10db, at END 8-12db

17:12 WY3T-TIM: WW8II cw no copy/detect

17:12 KP2AE-JOE: ww8ii cpy at times maybe 519 at best

17:12 K4FI-DOUG: WW8II good trace. 229 Steady, no QSB.

17:12 W4DEX-DEX: WW8II CW 579 start, slow 20 dB fade to 549. several more QSB cycles

17:13 WA4LDU-JOE: WW8II cw no copy - solid trace in spec lab

17:14 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL start 5, 10, 5, 11, 1min 15, 12, 15, 20, EOT 25

17:14 WY3T-TIM: KG0VL cw no copy/detect

17:14 WA4LDU-JOE: KG0VL cw no detect

17:14 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL START 11db, 18db, 15db, 6-11db, at 1 min 15db, 0-6db, 0-5db, 3-13db, at END 13-20db

17:14 K4FI-DOUG: KG0VL No copy

17:14 K0AWU-BILL: QSB faster on WW8II than KG0VL

17:15 W4DEX-DEX: KG0VL CW heard but no copy, good visual detection until last 30 sec to noise floor

17:15 K4FI-DOUG: K0AWU No copy

17:16 WY3T-TIM: K0AWU cw no copy/detect

17:16 WW8II-BRUCE: K)AWU start 3db, 0, 0, det,. 1min 0, 0, 2db, dert EOT 0

17:16 WA4LDU-JOE: K0AWU cw no detect

17:16 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II: 569 at start, and then the race (to the bottom) was on. 549 at 20 seconds, 529 at one minute, complete loss of signal at one minute forty seconds. Back up slightly at EOT.

17:16 W4DEX-DEX: K0AWU CW no signal detected

17:17 KG0VL-JEFF: KØAWU 529-539 with a few dips to noise level and back.

17:17 K4FI-DOUG: K5HFG N0 copy

17:17 WY3T-TIM: K5HFG cw no copy/detect

17:18 K0AWU-BILL: K5HFG -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:18 WW8II-BRUCE: K5HGFG start 0, 0, 0, det, 1min 2db, 0, 0, 2db, EOT 0

17:18 WA4LDU-JOE: K5HFG cw no detect

17:18 KG0VL-JEFF: K5HFG 529 until final 15 seconds of test, then gone.

17:18 W4DEX-DEX: K5HFG CW not heard, good visual most of the period

17:19 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T CW steady 559

17:19 K4FI-DOUG: WY3T Very weak trace up and down. Very light audio deep in noise. Copy occasional letters.

17:20 WW8II-BRUCE: WY3T NO signal detected

17:20 WA4LDU-JOE: WY3T cw 219 in and out of noise - good trace in spec lab

17:20 KG0VL-JEFF: No copy from WY3T

17:20 K0AWU-BILL: WY3T -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:21 KP2AE-JOE: wy3t just detec no real cpy

17:21 W4DEX-DEX: K4FI CW 589, very little QSB

17:22 WY3T-TIM: K4FI cw 439, 7, 6, 0, 10, 12, 19, 10, 10 db > nf at eot

17:22 KP2AE-JOE: k4fi 589 steady

17:22 WW8II-BRUCE: K4FI start det, ??, 2-3db, 0, 1min 0, det, 0, 0, EOT 0

17:22 KG0VL-JEFF: No copy from K4FI

17:22 K0AWU-BILL: K4FI -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:22 WA4LDU-JOE: K4FI cw 599

17:23 K4FI-DOUG: W4DEX 569 to 579. Stronger last minute. One deep fade first minute.

17:24 KP2AE-JOE: w4dex 599+10 steady

17:24 WA4LDU-JOE: W4DEX cw 589 steady

17:24 K5HFG-DON: KG0VL weak trace on SL first 30 seconds and then gone. // NO other signals detected today.

17:24 WW8II-BRUCE: W4DEX start 14db, 12db, 12db, 10db, 1min 12db, 8db, 5.7db, 12-15db, EOT 17db

17:24 K0AWU-BILL: W4DEX -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:24 WY3T-TIM: W4DEX cw 559, 17, 20, 20, 22, 20, 20, 17, 20 db > nf at eot

17:24 WW8II-BRUCE: Note quick QSB on all signals today

17:24: *** K0AWU is now offline ***

17:24 KG0VL-JEFF: W4DEX 529 first minute, down to 519 second minute. Now hearing him very weak on ssb.

17:25 WW8II-BRUCE: The ionospheric pinger is reall loud now

17:27 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T SSB 53 QSO

17:28 WY3T-TIM: Copied W4DEX SSB QSO at 44

17:28 WW8II-BRUCE: Magnetometer @1720ut @75.2W 116nt, @137,2W 110nt

17:28 K5HFG-DON: 73 guys, CUL

17:29: *** K5HFG is now offline ***

17:28 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar wind @1718ut 433km/s, PHI 42 , Density 9.52p/cm3

17:29 WW8II-BRUCE: OK have to run so will copy the logs nbow

17:30: *** WY3T is now offline ***

17:29 WY3T-TIM: 73s to all

17:30 WW8II-BRUCE: LOGS COPIED 73 till tomorrow

17:32: *** KP2AE is now offline ***

17:33: *** KG0VL is now offline ***

17:35: *** WW8II is now offline ***

17:35: *** STOPPED LOGGING *** 1899 kHz Mid-day Prop Test

17:35: *** NET CLOSED *** 1899 kHz Mid-day Prop Test

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