
Sunday, April 30, 2023

1899 KHz PRENET TESTING for 04-30-2023

WW8II transmits a 5 to 7 second 1 KW CW carrier with ID every 1 minute

W4DEX receives and records the signal using Spectrum Lab a 510-mile SE path

Start 1547ut
End 1600ut

WW8II notes:
1547ut D layer 10.0db, Solar event C2.34
1550ut D layer 10.0db, Solar event C2.26
1555ut D layer 9.75db, Solar event C2.18
1600ut D layer 9.75db, Solar event C2.13

30 April 2023

16:21 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar flux 156 A-index 20, K-index 1

16:50 WW8II-BRUCE: Magnetometers @ 1640ut GOES 16 106nt, GOES 18 99.6nt

16:51 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar wind @ 1645ut 479 km/s, PHI 336, Density 1.68p/cm3

CW Reports:
KG0VL-JEFF: 2 minute CW schedule: WW8II 1640, KGØVL 1642, KØAWU 1644, AB4AM 1646

16:47 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II: 319 first thirty seconds of test, big qsb fade with signals finally rebounding after about one minute. Good visual detection
16:42 K0AWU-BILL: WW8II -- START 0, 0, 0, 0, at 1 MIN 0db, 0, 0, 0, END 0

16:43 AB4AM-ROB: WW8II no copy/detect

16:44 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL start 319 5db, 5db, 3db, 6db, 1min 3-5db, 0-4db, 2db, 3-7db, EOT det

16:44 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL START det, 0-det, 2db, 0-2db, at 1 MIN 1-2db, 0, 0, 0-det briefly, at END 0 to very weak det

16:44 AB4AM-ROB: KG0VL no copy/detect

16:44 KD6HNN-K LAWRENCE: Nothing heard west coast 300' Yosemite West face

16:46 WW8II-BRUCE: K0AWU start 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 min 0, 0, 0, 0, EOT 0

16:46 AB4AM-ROB: K0AWU no copy/detect

16:48 WW8II-BRUCE: AB4AM start 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 min 0, 0, 0, 0, EOT 0

16:48 KG0VL-JEFF: KØAWU: very weak cw carrier heard at about the one minute mark, otherwise nil. Good visual returns.

16:48 K0AWU-BILL: AB4AM -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

16:48 KG0VL-JEFF: AB4AM: no detection

16:48 WW8II-BRUCE: 444 mile East/WEST path marginal all others nil

16:48 W4DEX-DEX: AM4AM CW 569 peak, Q5 the whole transmission

Received at W4DEX:

SSB Reports:

Saturday, April 29, 2023

1899KHz PRENET TESTING 04-29-2023

WW8II transmits a 5 to 7 second 1KW CW carrier with ID every 1 minute

W4DEX receives and records the signal using Spectrum Lab a 510-mile SE path


Start 1530ut
End 1600ut

1530ut D layer 10.0db, Solar event C2.34
1535ut D layer 9.75db, Solar event C2.23
1540ut D layer 9.50db, Solar event C2.14
1545ut D layer 9.50db, Solar event C2.10
1550ut D layer 9.50db, Solar event C2.08
1555ut D layer 9.50db, Solar event C2.03
1600ut D layer 9.00db, Solar event C1.99

29 April 2023

16:22 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar flux 150, A-index 19, K-index 3

16:27 WW8II-BRUCE: We just came slowly down off a C6.1 peaked @1407ut and NOW climbing back up @ q620 C2.28

16:52 WW8II-BRUCE: Magnetometers @1640ut GOES 16, 100nt, GOES 18 96.1nt

16:53 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar wind @1642ut 658 km/s, PHI 256, Density 0.20p/cm3

CW Reports:
WW8II-BRUCE: 2 Min CW WW8II 1640ut, K0AWU 1642, K5HFG 1644, WY3T 1646, AB4AM 1648, W4DEX 1650

16:42 K0AWU-BILL: WW8II -- START 0, det, 0-det, 0-det, at 1 MIN 0-det, det, 0-det, 0-det, at END 0-det

16:42 W4DEX-DEX: WW8II CW not heard, steady but weak visual detection on both antennas

16:42 AB4AM-ROB: WW8II no copy, detect

16:42 K5HFG-DON: WW8II no detect

16:43 WY3T-TIM: WW8II cw no copy/detect

16:44 W4DEX-DEX: K0AWU CW no signal detected

16:44 WW8II-BRUCE: K0AWU start 0, 0, 0, 0, 1min 0, 0, 0, 0, EOT 0

16:44 K5HFG-DON: K0AWU no detect

16:44 WY3T-TIM: K0AWU cw no copy/detect

16:44 AB4AM-ROB: K0AWU no copy/detect

16:46 WY3T-TIM: K5HFG cw no copy/detect

16:46 WW8II-BRUCE: K5HFG start 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 min 0, 0, 0, 0, EOT 0

16:46 AB4AM-ROB: K5HFG no copy/detect

16:46 K0AWU-BILL: K5HFG -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

16:47 W4DEX-DEX: K5HFG CW no signal detected

16:48 K0AWU-BILL: WY3T -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

16:48 WW8II-BRUCE: WY3T start 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 min 0, 0, 0, 0, EOT 0

16:48 K5HFG-DON: WY3T no detect

16:50 WY3T-TIM: AB4AM cw no copy/detect

16:50 WW8II-BRUCE: AB4AM start 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 min 0, 0, 0, 0, EOT 0

16:50 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T CW no signal detected

16:50 AB4AM-ROB: WY3T no copy/detect

16:50 K0AWU-BILL: AB4AM -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

16:51 K5HFG-DON: AB4AM no detect

16:52 WY3T-TIM: W4DEX cw no copy/detect

16:52 WW8II-BRUCE: W4DEX start 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 min 0, 0, 0, 0, EOT 0

16:52 K0AWU-BILL: W4DEX -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

16:53 K5HFG-DON: W4DEX no detect

16:51 W4DEX-DEX: I doubled with Rob :(

16:52 AB4AM-ROB: I'll go again at 1654

16:56 WW8II-BRUCE: AB4AM no signal seen 1654-1656ut

16:56 WY3T-TIM: AB4AM cw no copy/detect

16:56 K0AWU-BILL: AB4AM (repeat) -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

16:56 W4DEX-DEX: AB4AM CW 329 copy on peaks, a bit stronger on the vertical rx antenna

16:56 K5HFG-DON: AB4AM second pass no detect

Received at W4DEX:

SSB Reports:
16:34 AB4AM-ROB: Called WY3T, K5HFG, and W4DEX SSB no copy

16:34 W4DEX-DEX: AB4AM SSB not heard

Thursday, April 27, 2023

1899KHz PRE NET TESTING for 04-27-2023

WW8II transmits a 5 to 7 second 1 KW CW carrier with ID every 1 minute

W4DEX receives the signal using Spectrum Lab this is a 510-mile SE path

Start 1535ut
End 1600ut


1535ut D layer 1.00db, Solar event B5.10
1540ut D layer 1.00db, Solar event B4.90
1545ut D layer 1.00db, Solar event B5.48
1550ut D layer 2.00db, Solar event B5.98
1555ut D layer 2.00db, Solar event B5.90
1600ut D layer 2.00db, Solar event B5.80

Some images below courtesy of: Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center