
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Overall short range propagation today was not as good as yesterday.  There was some good peaks but also fades into the noise on AB4AM, WW8II/4, KP2AE and WA4PGI.  KP2AE made a brief Q5 SSB exchange with AB4AM at 165 miles.  The 216 mile path to W4DEX seemed much weaker.  WA4PGI at KP2AE ranged from S7 to nothing heard.  QSB on the WA4PGI to W4DEX path seemed to be much more stable.  During the normal 2M CW transmission from KGØVL both KP2AE and W4DEX thought there was a weak signal there although the CW tone was higher pitch than the normal 640 Hz.   

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