23 June 2020
DST +4 nT
WW8II-BRUCE: solar wind at 1643 284km/s and the PHI was 140
AB4AM-ROB: Magnetometer @ 16:52 114 nT
16:22 WA4LDU-JOE: Copy Rob SSB 5-4
16:24 WA4LDU-JOE: some lightning just off the coast of SC
16:27 WY3T-TIM: SSB still barely detectable
16:34 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL --- noise to S1 SSB in short test ARGH
16:35 KG0VL-JEFF: Rough SSB copy from KØAWU, most-likely worst of the season.
16:36 W4DEX-DEX: KP2AE and WA4LDU good signal but some deep QSB
16:37 AB4AM-ROB: WA4LDU 45 SSB that last time
16:38 KP2AE-JOE: hi rob you hit 5x7 here
16:39 WW8II-BRUCE: 2 min CW WW8II 1640, KGOVL 1642, K0AWU 1644, WY3T 1646, K5HFG 1648, AB4AM 1650, W4DEX 1652
16:40 WA4LDU-JOE: Rob, you were 5-5 here when you sent my report
16:42 W4DEX-DEX: WW8II visual detection only (see plot below)
16:44 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL 24db at start, 30sec 30db, 45sec 24db, 1min 3db, 1min 15sec 15db, 1min 30sec 18db, 1min 45sec 24db END 23db
16:44 W4DEX-DEX: KG0VL maybe a few pixels, not enough to be convincing
16:44 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II weak detection last 15 seconds
16:46 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL WOW start 359 15 sec 459 31 sec 12 dB above the noise 1min 7 dB above the noise 1 min 12 sec 17db above the noise solid copy whole transmission eot 359
16:46 AB4AM-ROB: WY3T 349
16:47 WW8II-BRUCE: k0awu could detect weak on the scope but no copy
16:47 AB4AM-ROB: WY3T 459
16:48 AB4AM-ROB: WY3T 559 at EOT
16:48 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T 329 for last ten seconds, good visually for most of the transmission
16:49 WA4LDU-JOE: WY3T 16:46:30 5-1 for 30 sec then noise, 16:47:30 5-2 to EOT
16:50 KG0VL-JEFF: KØAWU 539-549 and fairly steady signal with light qsb. Had several spots where signal seemed to be attenuated for a split second. Could be bad connection on my RX, TX or ionospheric?
16:51 W4DEX-DEX: AB4AM initially 35 dB above noise, deep QSB at 60 seconds then back up, more QSB at end
16:52 WA4LDU-JOE: AB4AM 589 fairly steady
16:52 WY3T-TIM: AB4AM CW 329 the first 15 sec then to 549 to 559 deep fade for 15 sec at 90 sec then 549 to eot
16:53 AB4AM-ROB: W4DEX 559
16:53 KP2AE-JOE: ab4am hit 599 no sig from out west big storm hitting here in 2hrs. brace up dex
16:54 WA4LDU-JOE: W4DEX 599 with fade to 429 at 16:52:50 for 10sec then back to 599 to EOT
16:54 AB4AM-ROB: W4DEX 559 to EOT slight QSB
16:54 WY3T-TIM: W4DEX cw 439 then faded to noise at 30 sec slowly built back up to 439 at 1 min then deep fade again at 90 sec to eot
16:57 KG0VL-JEFF: Heard WW8II callsign at 1656 and 23 seconds weak
16:24: *** STARTED MONITORING *** Mid Day Propagation Net on 1899
16:16: *** NET OPENED *** Mid Day Propagation Net on 1899
16:18 AB4AM-ROB: Noise Floor Inverted V & Flag -115- -140 db 76 F 90% H SW @ 7
16:19 WW8II-BRUCE: to see WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS NET,, GO TO https://1899-khz-midday-prop-test.blogspot.com/ TO SEE REPORTS FROM THE PAST DAYS
16:19 WW8II-BRUCE: 73 degrees 90% humidity the rain finally stopped
16:20 AB4AM-ROB: AB4AM called K5HFG & WY3T SSB No response heard
16:20 WY3T-TIM: 88 deg and overcast . . . noise S4 SSB /S2 CW with crashes 2-3 S units over noise floor
16:21 WW8II-BRUCE: noise today with the SAL antenna N.E. -132dB, S.E.-130dB , S.W. -130dB N.W. -132dB and the inverted V antenna -127dB
16:21 AB4AM-ROB: WA4LDU in the noise
16:21 WY3T-TIM: SSB very deep in the noise can only tell someone is calling
16:21 K5HFG: 80 F miserabley humid. noise SSB S7 and CW S5 on inverted L
16:21 WA4LDU-JOE: 78 deg, 78% RH and cloudy here
16:21 K5HFG: hearing no SSB here
16:22 WA4LDU-JOE: Copy Rob SSB 5-4
16:23 AB4AM-ROB: Magnetometer @ 16:18 114 nT
16:23 WA4LDU-JOE: very minor occasionial lightning crashes
16:23 AB4AM-ROB: No Crashes here
16:24 AB4AM-ROB: WA4LDU 23 maybe
16:24 WA4LDU-JOE: some lightning just off the coast of SC
16:26: *** KG0VL is now online ***
16:26 WW8II-BRUCE: lightning today heavy in the Cleveland Ohio and lake eire area, Heavy in mid to S.E. Oklahoma to the SW coquater of Arkansas across to the Mississippi boarder. SE Alabama and SW georgia also some in SE georgia just above Jacksonville Florida, also massive amount from San Antonio to Houston and in the Gulf from Reynosa to Baton Rough some in atlantic off the coasts of N.C. and S.C.
16:27 WW8II-BRUCE: I am hearing lightning crashes here from the Cleveland area
16:27 WY3T-TIM: SSB still barely detectable
16:28 WW8II-BRUCE: I am only hearing crashes no SSB
16:29: *** KP2AE is now online ***
16:30: *** K0AWU is now online ***
16:31 K0AWU-BILL: 70deg and clear, Noise floor S4 SSB and S2 CW Inverted Vee
16:32 WW8II-BRUCE: 2 min CW WW8II 1640, KGOVL 1642, K0AWU 1644, WY3T 1646, K5HFG 1648, AB4AM 1650, W4DEX 1652
16:34 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL --- noise to S1 SSB in short test ARGH
16:35 KG0VL-JEFF: Rough ssb copy from KØAWU, most-likely worst of the season.
16:36 W4DEX-DEX: Hearing us Rob?
16:36 WW8II-BRUCE: Not a good sign but GOOD DATA
16:36 W4DEX-DEX: KP2AE and WA4LDU good signal but some deep QSB
16:37 AB4AM-ROB: WA4LDU 45 SSB that last time
16:38 KP2AE-JOE: hi rob you hit 5x7 here
16:39 AB4AM-ROB: Even tried the chicken
16:39 WW8II-BRUCE: OK going to CW mode
16:39 WW8II-BRUCE: 2 min CW WW8II 1640, KGOVL 1642, K0AWU 1644, WY3T 1646, K5HFG 1648, AB4AM 1650, W4DEX 1652
16:40 WA4LDU-JOE: Rob, you were 5-5 here when you sent my report
16:41 K0AWU-BILL: WW8II not heard or detected
16:42 AB4AM-ROB: WW8II No Copy
16:42 W4DEX-DEX: WW8II visual detection only
16:42 WY3T-TIM: WW8II cw no copy/detect
16:42 K5HFG: WW8II no copy
16:42 WA4LDU-JOE: WW8II cw no copy/detect
16:43 WA4LDU-JOE: KG0VL cw no copy/detect
16:43 AB4AM-ROB: KG0VL No Copy
16:44 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL 24db at start, 30sec 30db, 45sec 24db, 1min 3db, 1min 15sec 15db, 1min 30sec 18db, 1min 45sec 24db END 23db
16:44 WY3T-TIM: KG0VL cw no copy/detect
16:44 K5HFG: KG0VL no copy
16:44 W4DEX-DEX: KG0VL maybe a few pixels, not enough to be convincing
16:44 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II weak detection last 15 seconds
16:46 AB4AM-ROB: K0AWU No Copy
16:46 WA4LDU-JOE: K0AWU cw no copy/detect
16:46 WY3T-TIM: K0AWU cw no copy/detect
16:46 K5HFG: K0AWU no copy
16:46 W4DEX-DEX: K0AWU no signal detected
16:47: *** KE8HBY is now online ***
16:46 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL WOW start 359 15 sec 459 31 sec 12 db above the noise 1min 7 db above the noise 1 min 12 sec 17db above the noise solid copy whole transmission eot 359
16:46 AB4AM-ROB: WY3T 349
16:47: *** KE8HBY is now offline ***
16:47 WW8II-BRUCE: k0awu could detect weak on the scope but no copy
16:47 AB4AM-ROB: WY3T 459
16:47 WW8II-BRUCE: wy3t nil no detect
16:48 K5HFG: WY3T no copy
16:48 AB4AM-ROB: WY3T 559 at EOT
16:48 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T 329 for last ten seconds, good visually for most of the transmission
16:49 WA4LDU-JOE: WY3T 16:46:30 5-1 for 30 sec then noise, 16:47:30 5-2 to EOT
16:49 AB4AM-ROB: K5HFG No Copy
16:50 WY3T-TIM: K5HFG cw no copy/detect
16:50 WW8II-BRUCE: K5HFG nil no dectect no copy
16:50 WA4LDU-JOE: K5HFG cw no copy/detect
16:50 WW8II-BRUCE: 2 min CW WW8II 1640, KGOVL 1642, K0AWU 1644, WY3T 1646, K5HFG 1648, AB4AM 1650, W4DEX 1652
16:50 W4DEX-DEX: K5HFG no signal detected
16:50 KG0VL-JEFF: KØAWU 539-549 and fairly steady signal with light qsb. Had several spots where signal seemed to be attenuated for a split second. Could be bad connection on my RX, TX or ionospheric?
16:51 W4DEX-DEX: AB4AM initially 35 dB above noise, deep QSB at 60 seconds then back up, more QSB at end
16:52 WW8II-BRUCE: AB4AM nil no trace
16:52 WA4LDU-JOE: AB4AM 589 fairly steady
16:52 WY3T-TIM: AB4AM cw 329 the first 15 sec then to 549 to 559 deep fade for 15 sec at 90 sec then 549 to eot
16:52 K5HFG: AB4AM no copy. Heavy static crashes now from storms in Arkanas
16:52 AB4AM-ROB: W4DEX 339
16:53 AB4AM-ROB: W4DEX 559
16:53 WW8II-BRUCE: JEFF I will go again for 1 min at 1653 OK
16:53 WW8II-BRUCE: sorry 1 min at 1655
16:53 KG0VL-JEFF: RR Bruce
16:53 KP2AE-JOE: ab4am hit 599 no sig from out west big storm hitting here in 2hrs. brace up dex
16:54 WA4LDU-JOE: W4DEX 599 with fade to 429 at 16:52:50 for 10sec then back to 599 to EOT
16:54 K0AWU-BILL: WY3T, K5HFG, AB4AM, W4DEX none heard or detected
16:54 AB4AM-ROB: W4DEX 559 to EOT slight QSB
16:54 K5HFG: W4DEX no copy. have to shut down
16:54 K5HFG: 73 guys
16:54 WW8II-BRUCE: solar wind at 1643 284km/s and the PHI was 140
16:54 WW8II-BRUCE: 73 DON
16:54 WY3T-TIM: W4DEX cw 439 then faded to noise at 30 sec slowly built back up to 439 at 1 min then deep fade again at 90 sec to eot
16:54 KG0VL-JEFF: 73 Don
16:55 WW8II-BRUCE: W4DEX nil no copy and no trace
16:55 AB4AM-ROB: 73 Don
16:55: *** K5HFG is now offline ***
16:55 K5HFG: CUTomorrow
16:55 WW8II-BRUCE: OK I am going again at 1655 for 1 minute
16:56 W4DEX-DEX: WW8II no signal detected at 1655
16:56 AB4AM-ROB: Magnetometer @ 16:52 114 nT
16:56 AB4AM-ROB: WW8II No Copy
16:56 WY3T-TIM: WW8II cw no copy/detect at 1655
16:57 KG0VL-JEFF: Heard WW8II callsign at 1656 and 23 seconds weak
16:58 WY3T-TIM: I will try again to be on the net tonight...last night too much lightning and could not hear much at all. . . 73s
16:59 KG0VL-JEFF: 73 Tim and all
16:59: *** WY3T is now offline ***
17:00 WW8II-BRUCE: lost interneOK copy logs now
17:01: *** KG0VL is now offline ***
17:01 AB4AM-ROB: 73 All !!!
17:01: *** NET CLOSED *** Mid Day Propagation Net on 1899
17:01: *** STOPPED MONITORING *** Mid Day Propagation Net on 1899
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