
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Present today for the test was WA1AC, WA4LDU, W3VT, AB4AM, WW8II/4,  KGØVL, KW4DE and W4DEX.  Initially, signals less than 200 miles were fairly good.  WA1AC and WA4LDU were S7 at W4DEX but shortly later QSB set in.  But both were still Q5 copy all the time.  WA4LDU had good copy on WW8II/4 operating from the QTH of AB4AM, a 160-mile path.  WW8II/4 on SSB was partially Q5 copy at both W4DEX and KW4DE which is 216 and about 226 miles.  WW8II on CW was Q5 at both locations.  WW8II/4 reported good copy from W4DEX on CW.  KGØVL, the most distant station at over 700 miles from others present, was not herd on CW and did not report hearing any other station.  

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