
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

WW8II-BRUCE: welcome everyone that might be monitoring this net.  If you hear a signal please tell us about it here on the AIM window. You do not have to transmit to report what you hear. This net is to study the propagation of the 160 meter wave during the day light hours, and to match it to a multiple of conditions. you can see past data of these test at
17:26 WW8II-BRUCE: AB4AM AND WW8II 519 TO 539 CW AT 1722

17:29 KG0VL-JEFF: Hearing W4DEX very weak on SSB now.

17:30 AB4AM-ROB: KP2AE 5/7 SSB with W4DEX @ 5/8

17:30 AB4AM-ROB: WA4LDU 5/8-5/9 SSB

17:31 AB4AM-ROB: K4FI 5/7 SSB

17:31 AB4AM-ROB: AZQ 5/9 + SSB

17:34 WW8II-BRUCE: I was detecting AB4AM SSB in the noise on the inverted V nothing on the SAL

17:35 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL 599 on the SAL 559 on the inverted V antenna

17:35 AB4AM-ROB: KG0VL at the noise 579

17:36 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL constant no noticed QSB

17:36 AB4AM-ROB: KG0VL QSB fades in the noise then back up

17:36 W4DEX-DEX: KG0VL 569 with very little QSB for the full 2-minute transmission.

17:37 WW8II-BRUCE: AB4AM now 599 on the SAL 559 on the inverted V antenna

17:38 WA4LDU-JOE: AB4AM CW 599 with QSB

17:38 KG0VL-JEFF: Good signal from  AB4AM, peaking around 559

17:38 WW8II-BRUCE: No QSB noticed on AB4AM

17:39 W4DEX-DEX: AB4AM peaking 599 with slight QSB

17:40 AB4AM-ROB: W4DEX 589 599

17:40 WW8II-BRUCE: W4DEX in the noise can just copy some QSB noted

17:40 WA4LDU-JOE: Dex CW 599 with slight QSB

17:40 WW8II-BRUCE: W4DEX now 519

17:40 AB4AM-ROB: Slight QSB early on W4DEX but solid now

17:41 KG0VL-JEFF: W4DEX from Q5 steady, to in the noise and gone. Signal back up towards the end.

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