28 October 2022
16:21 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar flux 130 A-index 9, K-index 2
NOAA not reporting D layer absorption
16:56 WW8II-BRUCE: Magnetometers @1640ut GOES 16, 99nt, GOES17, 91nt
16:56 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar wind @1642ut 537km/s, PHI 98, Density 11.77p/cm3
16:59 WW8II-BRUCE: There was a C level flare from 1640ut C1.02 to
CW Reports:
KG0VL-JEFF: 2 minute CW schedule: WW8II 1640, KGØVL 1642, KØAWU
1644, K5HFG 1646, WY3T 1648, W4DEX 1650
16:42 WY3T-TIM: WW8II cw no copy/detect
16:42 KW4DE-DARRELL: WW8II cw 229 at best, mostly at/below noise today
16:42 K0AWU-BILL: WW8II -- START det, det, det, det, 5db, 5-10db,
6-10db, 5db, at END 5db (Det is between 1 and 2db)
16:42 W4DEX-DEX: WW8II CW 329 at end of transmission, visual peak
about 24 dB over noise
16:44 WY3T-TIM: KG0VL cw no copy/detect
16:44 KW4DE-DARRELL: KG0VL cw no usable copy today
16:44 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL START 24db, 28db, 27db,29db, at 1 min 25db,
25-10db, 10-20db, 20-23db, at END 27db
16:44 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL start 12db long dash 17db, 11, 15, 12db, 1min
7db, 8db, long dash 17db, 17db, EOT 21db,
16:44 W4DEX-DEX: KG0VL CW not heard, fair visual with local QRM
16:45 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II 549 at start, 539 average thereafter
16:46 WY3T-TIM: K0AWU cw no copy/detect
16:46 W4DEX-DEX: K0AWU CW no signal detected
16:46 KW4DE-DARRELL: K0AWU cw not heard today
16:46 WW8II-BRUCE: K0AWU 3db 4db, 9db, 10db, 1min 8db, 2db, 4db, 2-3db, EOT 0
16:46 WA4LDU-JOE: WW8II cw no copy - slight detect in spec lab
16:46 WA4LDU-JOE: KG0VL cw no detect
16:46 WA4LDU-JOE: K0AWU cw no detect
16:47 KG0VL-JEFF: KØAWU 559 at start, slow decay and 529 at midpoint.
Strong qsb and into the noise for several seconds. Back up to 529 by
16:48 W4DEX-DEX: K5HFG CW no signal detected
16:48 KW4DE-DARRELL: K5HFG cw no copy today
16:48 WA4LDU-JOE: K5HFG cw no detect
16:48 WY3T-TIM: K5HFG cw no copy/detect
16:48 WW8II-BRUCE: K5HFG start 0, 0, 0, 0, 1min 0, 0, 0, 0, EOT 0 Have
a lot of local QRM
16:48 K0AWU-BILL: K5HFG -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab
16:48 KG0VL-JEFF: No copy from K5HFG
16:49 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T CW no signal detected
16:50 K0AWU-BILL: WY3T -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab
16:50 WA4LDU-JOE: WY3T cw no copy, slight detect in spec lab
16:50 KW4DE-DARRELL: WY3T cw brief 229 copy midway in transmission,
mostly at below noise floor
16:50 WW8II-BRUCE: WY3T start 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 min 0, 0, 0, 0, EOT 0
16:50 KG0VL-JEFF: No copy from WY3T
16:50 K4FI-DOUG: No one copied except W4DEX who was 589.
16:51 KP2AE-JOE: no DX today w4dex 589 with some deep qsb fades fair
day for locals
16:52 WA4LDU-JOE: W4DEX cw 579 with QSB to 539
16:52 KW4DE-DARRELL: W4DEX cw 599 with several deep fades 15-18db, at
30 sec intervals
16:52 K0AWU-BILL: W4DEX -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab
16:52 WW8II-BRUCE: W4DEX start 8db visual no tone, 3-5db, 11db tone,
copy call , 10db, 1min 20db tone, 12db, 10db, 17db, EOT 12db,
Copied W4DEX CW call at 319 to 519
16:52 K5HFG-DON: NO signals detected here today.
16:53 WY3T-TIM: W4DEX cw no copy . . faint detection in the noise the first min
16:53 KG0VL-JEFF: W4DEX copied all but final 20 seconds of
transmission. 519 first minute, then 319 remaining. No signal final 20
Received at W4DEX:
16:52 K5HFG-DON: NO signals detected here today.
16:53 WY3T-TIM: W4DEX cw no copy . . faint detection in the noise the first min
16:53 KG0VL-JEFF: W4DEX copied all but final 20 seconds of
transmission. 519 first minute, then 319 remaining. No signal final 20
Received at W4DEX:
SSB Reports:
16:32 W4DEX-DEX: WA4LDU SSB 55
16:32 W4DEX-DEX: KP2AE SSB 57
16:33 WY3T-TIM: Hearing no SSB here
16:34 KG0VL-JEFF: Heard WW8II on SSB 5X1, then faded off into the noise.
16:34 WW8II-BRUCE: Called on SSB, heard a weak SSB rerturnKG0VL 31 to 41
16:32 W4DEX-DEX: KP2AE SSB 57
16:33 WY3T-TIM: Hearing no SSB here
16:34 KG0VL-JEFF: Heard WW8II on SSB 5X1, then faded off into the noise.
16:34 WW8II-BRUCE: Called on SSB, heard a weak SSB rerturnKG0VL 31 to 41
16:37 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL calling K0AWU now 52 copy
16:38 WW8II-BRUCE: I did not hear anything from K0AWU
16:38 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL again now 51 copy
16:39 WA4LDU-JOE: W4DEX SSB in the noise
16:39 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL 55 SSB
16:40 W4DEX-DEX: K4FI SSB 57 peak, QSB
16:38 WW8II-BRUCE: I did not hear anything from K0AWU
16:38 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL again now 51 copy
16:39 WA4LDU-JOE: W4DEX SSB in the noise
16:39 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL 55 SSB
16:40 W4DEX-DEX: K4FI SSB 57 peak, QSB
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