
Saturday, December 10, 2022

10 December 2022

16:50 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar flux 149, A-index 11, K-index 1

16:51 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar activity DISTURBED, just now coming down off a C5.23 flare peaked @1611ut

17:27 WW8II-BRUCE: Magnetometers @1710ut both GOES 16 & 17 were 101nt

17:28 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar wind @ 1715ut 489 km/s, PHI 8, Density 9.89p/cm3

17:31 WW8II-BRUCE: Solar activity @1720ut was C1.24 and D layer was 5.5db

CW Reports:
KG0VL-JEFF: 2 minute CW schedule: WW8II 1710, KGØVL 1712, KØAWU 1714, K5HFG 1716, WY3T 1718, AB4AM 1720, W4DEX 1722

17:11 K0AWU-BILL: WW8II -- START 7db, 8db, 5db, 5-10db, at 1 min 11db, 12db, 13db, 15db, at END 15db

17:12 WY3T-TIM: WW8II cw no copy/detect

17:12 K5HFG-DON: WW8II no detect

17:12 WA4LDU-JOE: WW8II cw no copy - good trace in spec lab

17:13 W4DEX-DEX: WW8II CW just briefly heard near eot, good visual with signal rising during the full transmission

17:14 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II 569 light qsb, good copy

17:14 AB4AM-ROB: WW8II 5,8,8,6,8,10,10,10,6

17:14 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL START 40db, 39db, 39db, 41, at 1 min 32-38db, 27db, 35db, 40db, at END 40db

17:14 K5HFG-DON: KG0VL strong SL trace, no tone, entire Tx.

17:14 WY3T-TIM: KG0VL cw no copy/detect

17:14 W4DEX-DEX: KG0VL CW 559 start, steady climb to 569 at eot

17:14 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL start 25-30, 30-35, 37db, 25-30 1min 32db, 20-25, 32db, 25db, 27db EOT 35 solid copy 559 to 599

17:14 WA4LDU-JOE: KG0VL cw no copy - very weak trace in spec lab

17:15 AB4AM-ROB: KG0VL 8,3,0,0,0,3,0,0,

17:16 WY3T-TIM: K0AWU cw no copy/detect

17:16 W4DEX-DEX: K0AWU CW no signal detected

17:16 WW8II-BRUCE: K0AWU start 10, 14, 17db, 12db 17db,10-14db, 10-13db, 17db, EOT 5-12db solid copy 519 to 529

17:16 WA4LDU-JOE: K0AWU cw no detect

17:17 AB4AM-ROB: K0AWU No copy/detect

17:17 KG0VL-JEFF: KØAWU: 569 at start, 579 by one minute 21 seconds, 589 final 15 seconds. Great signal.

17:18 K5HFG-DON: K0AWU no detect

17:18 K0AWU-BILL: K5HFG -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:18 WY3T-TIM: K5HFG cw no copy/detect

17:18 W4DEX-DEX: K5HFG CW not heard, fair visual detection first 90 seconds then into the noise

17:18 AB4AM-ROB: K5HFG No copy/detect

17:18 KG0VL-JEFF: K5HFG: copied full two minute transmission, 519-529 slight qsb.

17:18 WW8II-BRUCE: K5HFG start 0, det, 0, 0, 1min 0, det 1-3db, 0, 0, EOT 0

17:19 WA4LDU-JOE: K5HFG cw no detect

17:19 W4DEX-DEX: WY3T CW not heard, weak visual detection

17:20 K0AWU-BILL: WY3T -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:20 WW8II-BRUCE: WY3T start 0, 0, 0, 0, 1min 0, 0, 0, 0, EOT 0

17:20 KG0VL-JEFF: No copy from WY3T

17:20 K5HFG-DON: WY3T no detect

17:21 WA4LDU-JOE: WY3T cw no detect

17:24 AB4AM-ROB: WY3T No copy/detect

17:22 K0AWU-BILL: AB4AM -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:22 KG0VL-JEFF: No copy from AB4AM

17:22 WY3T-TIM: AB4AM cw 229, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 db > nf at eot

17:22 WW8II-BRUCE: AB4AM start 20db, 17db, 18db, 18db, 1min 21db, 17db, 18db, 17db, EOT 20db

17:22 WA4LDU-JOE: AB4AM cw 339

17:22 K5HFG-DON: AB4AM no detect

17:24 W4DEX-DEX: AB4AM CW 559 peak, wild deep QSB

17:23 WA1AC-CLINT: Hearing W4DEX only, no surprise

17:24 K0AWU-BILL: W4DEX -- Nothing heard or detected with SpecLab

17:24 WA4LDU-JOE: W4DEX cw 449 with QSB

17:24 WY3T-TIM: W4DEX cw 219, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 2 db > nf at eot

17:24 WW8II-BRUCE: W4DEX start 20db, 17-20db, 22db, 15db, 1min 15db, 20db, 16db, 10-18db, EOT 6-11db

17:24 K5HFG-DON: W4DEX no detect

17:25 KG0VL-JEFF: W4DEX 529 first minute up to 539 second minute, very little qsb

17:25 AB4AM-ROB: W4DEX 8,10,10,10,6,10,15,20,10

17:25 WW8II-BRUCE: Interesting the tone on both AB4AM and W4DEX was subdued, almost like it was muffled

Received at W4DEX:

SSB Reports:
16:58 AB4AM-ROB: Called W4DEX SSB nothing heard

16:59 W4DEX-DEX: WA1AC SSB S3, way down from usual

17:01 WW8II-BRUCE: Nice quick QSO with KG0VL 52 copy

17:01 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL calling K0AWU I do not copy K0AWU

17:01 K0AWU-BILL: KG0VL 6 S units above noise on SSB

17:02 AB4AM-ROB: Hearing SSB deep in the Noise

17:04 WY3T-TIM: Hearing no SSB signals here


17:04 K5HFG-DON: No SSB heard yet

17:05 AB4AM-ROB: Just called WY3T SSB

17:05 WY3T-TIM: I heard no SSB from AB4AM

17:06 AB4AM-ROB: Called WA1AC no copy SSB

17:07 WW8II-BRUCE: I think I hear SSB in the noise

17:08 AB4AM-ROB: Called WA4LDU thought I heard Joe but, can't confirm.

17:25 KG0VL-JEFF: Now hearing W4DEX very weak on SSB.

17:26 K5HFG-DON: No SSB heard today

17:30 W4DEX-DEX: WA1AC SSB stronger now than earlier, hitting S5 now

17:32 W4DEX-DEX: SSB heard, WW8II I suspect

17:34 W4DEX-DEX: Still hearing SSB

17:36 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II 3X1 SSB, weak

17:36 W4DEX-DEX: SSB heard but still no copy

17:37 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL SSB 31 to 51 SSB copy

17:38 W4DEX-DEX: KG0VL SSB 3x1

17:38 KG0VL-JEFF: Hearing W4DEX 31 SSB

17:38 WW8II-BRUCE: I do not hear W4DEX, but KG0VL was up to 52

17:40 WW8II-BRUCE: KG0VL SSB chat 54 SSB

17:40 KG0VL-JEFF: WW8II now 53 SSB

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