
Friday, February 8, 2019

Solar X-ray flux still very low again today.  Propagation out to 200 miles was fairly good and stable but with a few more very deep slow QSB fades that was noticed yesterday.  WB4EZ (202 miles) was good copy at W4DEX but not as strong as yesterday and with one slow fade into the noise.  WA4LDU S6 at 103 miles and WA1AC was S8 at 73 miles.  The only ground wave signal was from KW4DE the usual S9 at 16 miles.  AB2UE was S3 at 56 miles.  

The KGØVL 808 mile path was again detectable on CW but not solid Q5 copy.

Deep QSB fades on the Huntsville AL 1700 kHz  today

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