
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A C class solar X-ray flare occurred earlier in the day.  This may have been the reason propagation was even worse today than the previous few days.  AB4AM on SSB was weak but Q5 S1 at W4DEX (216 miles) but much stronger at KP2AE (145 miles) hitting S5.  AB4AM could detect SSB from W4DEX but no signal was detected from KP2AE likely due to KP2AE running 100 watts vs 750 watts at W4DEX.

CW from WW8II was detectable at W4DEX but not copyable.  No signal was detected between KGØVL, WW8II and W4DEX.

WA4PGI was S3 on SSB at W4DEX (175 miles).  WB4EZ at 202 miles from W4DEX was heard but the signal was not useable.

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