
Thursday, January 17, 2019

The three 300+ mile paths tested today were noticeably weaker that yesterday.  One difference in solar conditions that stands out is the solar wind speed.  Yesterday the solar wind speed was slightly below 400 km/sec while today it was over 500 km/sec.  

KGØVL on CW was weak but readable at W4DEX today while conditions permitted two way SSB yesterday at 808 miles.  

WW8II was also below SSB copy today at W4DEX but still good CW copy at 510 miles.

W8LXJ on SSB was good copy at W4DEX, 316 miles, but not near as strong as yesterday.

W4NUS was on and had good reception of W8LXJ but no two way contact was made.  

KW4DE made a complete exchange with W8LXJ at approximately 332 miles.

WB4OQX checked in just as the activity was closing and was QSO quality at KW4DE and W4DEX at 292 miles

Also AB2UE checked in just as the net was closing.  

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